The best way to say “Hello” to a new year is to say your “Goodbyes” to the last one.
In doing so I wanted to thank you, my loyal and new readers for taking the time to read, browse and once in awhile comment on this little blog of mine. It means a lot to know others actually do read what you spend time writing and photographing about.
As I said my goodbyes to 2016 last night it truly brought me to my knees in totally gratitude when I reflected on all the many blessings I have in my life.
I have a small but extremely close family but my own and extended. We all truly love one another and that in and of itself is a huge blessing.
I have true friends, and I mean true to the very core. Ones that are loyal, ones that make me cry and laugh and are always here for me. I have friends whom I’ve met through this blogging as well as instagram that have become some of my most cherished and the circle keeps expanding (which is a most wonderful thing).
I have been blessed with great health.
I have a gospel which brings me more joy than I can possibly imagine.
With this New Year beginning, I hope and pray it will bring you much joy and happiness. May you remember to live it as fully, as bravely, and as bravely as you possibly can.
linking up with Patty for visible Monday
and my refined style
Happy 2017, you are a bright shiny soul … beautiful inside and out!
Dawn Lucy
Much joy and peace wished for you in the new year, Trina! Thanks for sharing your beauty – in and out – with us. xo
Hi Trina,
I’ve been following your blog for quite a few months, and I really love it.
You always look fabulous, and have something nice to say.
Keep up the great work, and look forward to a amazing year.
Happy New Year to you and yours Trina!
You look lovely here : )
Happy new year Trina. x