Is it possible to celebrate a holiday without books?
Well, not in my home. I could say it’s the old school teacher in me but my love for books and especially picture books began long before I was old enough to teach school. Even when my kids grew older I still bought new picture books for holidays and special occasions. I truly believe pictures can speak louder than words and when you find an author who can speak with and through the pictures to enhance the experience you’ve found a treasure worth buying.
This year Molly (through her actions and excitement) chose the treasures that came home with us.
Hands down #1 on our list is ‘The Ghost Go Scaring’ by Chrissy Bozik and illustrated by Patricia Storms.
I dare you to try and simply read this book, by page two (with the ghost go scarring two by two) I bet you’ll be singing, you just can’t help yourself, and if you want a fun little glimpse of this it’s on my instagram. This adorable picture book is written after the ants go marching . . . I don’t know of any child who doesn’t love repetition and rhythm. Molly caught on by the second page was was ready to sing along, I believe she has the entire book memorized. Bozik was extremely clever with her rhyms and Storms illustrations are absolutely brilliant as well as bright and vibrant. It was enjoyable to pick up a Halloween book with upbeat colorful pictures as well as an upbeat story. This treasure will be around for a long long time. I would recommend you grab one and store it for next year so you can be either the coolest grandma, or better yet you young moms, this would be a fabulous book to take to the Halloween school party. Thos e of you wanting to know the age level, well I don’t think picture books have an age level, my sixth graders would have loved this and I read it at my witches tea and we were all singing!
Our #2 on our list this year is ‘Brunhilda’s Backwards Day’ by Shawna J.C. Tenney.
To be honest, this stole Molly’s heart the minute she spotted it because Brunhilda is wearing a pink dress. This story is a fun twist on Halloween, telling how casting nice spells can bring much happiness. As with some children, Molly included, witches all dressed up in black and scary looking simply do just that . . . they scare them. At this age she is a bit scared of witches but this incredibly sweet story changed her entire outlook on witches. Just take a look at the amazing illustrations. Not to mention the fun little message of friendship and how being nice to others can make you feel. Most definitely a book to call a treasure and keep on your bookshelves.
And our classic is still ‘Humbug Witch’ by Lorna Balian.
I bought this book when my daughter (Molly’s mom) was Molly’s age and it’s still our favorite. It tells the story of a little witch all dressed up but for some reason when she tries to act like a witch and use magic potions it just doesn’t work. The surprise ending is worth buying the book and I certainly won’t ruin it for you here. I used this book each year while teaching school and then when I volunteered in the schools and I would have the kids illustrate the Humbug Witch as a I read each page, it was so fun to see their reactions and pictures at the end.
Have a wonderful Halloween go treat yourself to a fun new book.
What a lovely and comforting sight to see you two huddled together over books. I am worried they will fall out of favor. The Ghosts go scaring, sounds like a treasure. These are truly precious photos, thanks for sharing these snippets of Molly as she grow up! She is perfect in her pink crinoline!
xx, Elle