I just looked up the definition of bohemian (b0*he*mi*an): “a person who has informal and uncoventional social habits, especially an artist or writer.” And some of the synonyms: unconventional, nonconformist, avant-garde, irregular, offbeat . . .
Well, that pretty much sums up most of how I dress, haha. I’ve always been a nonconformist, a bit informal and most definitely an avant-garde. But then again most artistic and creative people fit into this category and as we all know dressing is an art form, right?
I actually don’t try to put on a bohemian outfit, most of the time they just come together by themselves. Like when I pulled out these really old, and I mean really old flare jeans, the only tops that feel right are gauzy and layered with longer vests, and paired with junky heels and an embroidered bag. The only thing missing were the braids and I decided to still act somewhat my age.
And then there are times I grab a kimono and layer it over a funky tee and leggings (and sometimes jeans), throw on some booties, a floppy hat and it all the sudden becomes a bohemian outfit.
This month for Adrienne’s and Jill’s HIWM (how I wear my series) it was boho looks, it’s well worth checking them out if you want to join in being a bit informal, unconventional, a nonconformist or just off beat for a season.
Also liking up with Dawn Lucy for Fun Friday Fashion.
Both looks are fabulous, Trina! I love the photos! And I really want that embroidered bag!
You know I’m a huge fan of this style.
I think that black hat is the one you wore to the blogger meet-up, right? It is fabulous.
You got some really great photos here.
these looks are fabulous and effortless. You do seem to have a very Boho style and spirit! I adore the bag, and that fringed floral shawl is gorgeous!
You look happy, too. That hat is perfect in black!
xx, Elle
You look so beautiful in your boho outfits! I love your fun purse.
Hope to see you for TBT Fashion link up.
Two looks, two very nice, informal and fun proposals. I love the first blouse, so romantic, and I love the kimono-poncho pattern with spring colors. With leggings or jeans, your look is perfect and your hair fits wonderfully to boho or bohemian style.
Very comfy and stylish look!
I did not get the memo, but I did enter the link-up at Adrienne and Jill. Just like you did. But that is about as boho as I will ever get.
PS did you know my friend Anja (curly traveller) solved the problem of not prefilling names etc when you want to comment?