My dear friend, Tamera Beardsley, whom I was fortunate to meet through this blogging world, sat one evening at her home and told me about her passion for “crowns”. Not just the crowns you put on your head but those inner, invisible ones, the ones hidden in your closets that need to be brought out. In Tamera’s words, she says “It’s about learning to celebrate our own crowning moments.” I left that evening touched by this beautiful message and determination to find my crowns and wear them proudly. Tamera began this year with a “crowning” celebration. Not only does she post incredible messages and photos but she is also creating some of the most exquisite and beautiful crown headpieces any woman would dream of wearing. You can find all of her messages and creations by clicking on her name.
Well, you all know me, and when I get an idea I love in my head I often run with it, and crowning others, well this was an idea that just kept growing. With Tamera’s permission, I used some of her beautiful messages and photo’s to help me create a “crowning” tea party for some of my wonderful and dear friends. (I did invite Tamera but since she lives a few states away, the timing of Mother’s Day weekend didn’t really work for her).
Created and sent out my invites.
Knowing long ago I wanted to have this party in conjunction with Mother’s Day because I felt it was the perfect time to remind women the importance of “Crowning” ourselves.
Each guest was given a crown photo holder, which were originally a natural burlap but I chose to glitter them up by using spray adhesive and then sprinkled them with lots and lots of glitter. Then I clipped on a “crown message. I knew this would be part of my table setting, helping to set the tone.
This crowning message, I printed as 4 x 6 prints and then glued them on the front of 4×6 note pads, which I then wrapped with twine and a name card, which became their place cards at the table.
(notice again how I used a little doily to add just the right touch that was missing?
My newest tablecloth, which I have been in search for, I finally found at Joann’s craft. Yes, it’s just material, and for me, it was perfect!
I wanted the table setting to give off a feeling to my friends that they were special, that they were worth “crowning” yet I didn’t want it to feel stuffy or too elaborate. Therefore I used my fine china (my original from my wedding),
but I kept the table scape more natural and meaningful.
Using some family heirlooms . . .
Then simply adding some rose colored mason jars with wild flowers instead of roses.
The finishing table was just what I had in mind.
Hanging some banners with “crowning messages” . . .
And using doilies to hang from the chandelier.
Then placing Betty with her message on the porch and I was ready for my friends to arrive.
We began out luncheon with a fruit salad . . .
Followed by a greek chicken salad . . .
Some strawberry-rhubarb muffins and tea sandwiches . . .
And then some yummy desserts; Eclairs, Dulce de Leche Chocolate Pecan Squares, and fresh strawberry cake.
During our luncheon as we all sat together we took turns telling one another how and why we would “crown” ourselves that day. What a wonderful and delightful conversation.
After lunch my friends were really in for a surprise, this cute floral arrangement of silk flowers (which I normally never use in vases, I’m a fresh flower kind of gal) was there for them to create their own crowns.
Serious and fun business . . .
But pure JOY!!!
(my adorable mother)
I’ve learned through the years that it’s Ok to crown ourselves, in fact its important to crown yourself.
Whether your wearing an invisible crown or an actual crown made of florals or jewels, it’s a beautiful reminder that you’re deserving of this respect, of this kindness, of this appreciation.
It’s a helpful reminder to stand a little taller and be grateful and proud of being the woman that you are today. But I will say, the most joy you will ever get in a crowning moment is to simply crown another.
As always my friends, thanks for dropping by. Have a most wonderful day.
Linking up with
My dear friend Jennifer and Heather for their monthly inspiration and lifestyle link up party
Jann for SYC where there’s always a whole lot of inspiration.
Dawn Lucy for fun fashion friday
And Jess for THT
My dear I am humbled and honored by your use of my Crown Yourself concept! You have done an amazing job of celebrating life’s crowning moments! What a perfect Mother’s Day party! You are a true beauty … inside and out!
Much love to you my friend!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Another wonderful party! I just love how everyone made their own crowns. What was the party favour? A notebook? So many great details and planning goes into these parties. Really you should be a party planner Trina.
It was truly a fun and enjoyable party. Yes, the party favors were the notebooks and the glitter crown photo holders. So when am I going to get you out here for one of my parties?
See? Suzanne has rhe same idea, you are a pro. But I know you are not going to open a business. The way you do it, there is the extra dimension of knowing you are doing it for friends. And the excitement and fun you have when you sit down with them. All things you would miss when doing this professionally. What can I say about this table? Perfect? Yes, that is right. The idea? Touching and loving. The creativeness? Awesome. The dress and cardigan? So nice and spring. All in all a wonderful post. The menu was mouth watering by te way.
You are really quite kind, all these wonderful words. I seriously wish I could have both you and Suzanne over for a tea party.
We can go for a high tea in six weeks….haha
Very nice pictures and a wonderful dress. Trina, you’ll look really beautiful.
Thank you! Isn’t it just a joyous occassion to see so many happy women? And, I was quite proud of myself this go around, I actually thought of what I wanted to wear for this occassion a week in advance, most the time I’m so busy creating, decorating, and cooking that I run up to my room 15 minutes before the party begins and throw something on.
Yes, it is important and wow, did you do it up! I love your crown, and your striped dress. The party, yes it is a party! you threw is glorious . I love the table settings, the place card holders ( useful and pretty!) the pink doilies, the wildflowers on the perfectly dressed table. Everything is so lovingly though out!
I agree, it is nice to remember to treat ourselves well.. we do so easily for others!
I loved seeing the roomful of happy, pretty women with flower crowns!
xx, Elle
Thank you Elle, and you are so right, it was a joy to see a room full of happy crowned women.
May I ask what brand your china is? It looks so much like my grandmother’s set. Beautiful table!
Alison, my china is Mikasa Fine China- Hamilton L9032
How cool & special, Trina! Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy
Is it wrong that after all that loveliness I just want details of the dress??? Vintage? Bought where? SO GORGEOUS, goes with the rest of the post so well.
Not wrong at all, in fact for once I even bought the dress for the tea party in mind. It’s from Shabby Apple and they have a great online store.
You are so creative and talented at your parties and luncheons! I love the ladies making the crowns, the message behind it and how beautiful the table settings look. You look amazing of course in your crowing glory, love this pretty feminine dress on you!!
Thank you for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesaday!
jess xx
Trina, what a wonderful party with a fabulous message! I wish that every woman and child knew that they deserved to be crowned! As always the décor and food is perfection! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Also, I have to change the meet and greet garden party. I had not told my husband the date and he came home from work and said that he had booked us a get away for June 5-13. I can do it the 20th or the 27th of June or I’m wondering if it will be too hot and should I wait till Fall. What do you think?
So glad I’m not the only one who does things like this and then communicates later with hubby. June 20th I’ll be traveling to see our daughter for the weekend but the 27th works for me. I do understand about the weather and how it may be a bit warm (hot) so if you decide to wait until fall, that’s fine also. Maybe we could have it in the early evening when it cools off a bit. Are most the women from your area? I know I’m up north a bit (Murray), but I would be more than happy to host something as well. Look forward to hearing from you.
What a great tea party. I love it. Stopping by from Jennifer and Heather’s link-up. I’m their N.C. friend.
Thank you and thanks for dropping by.
Cute post!! I now want to host a tea party with flower crowns! Love this!!
Oh, I think you should for sure. And, then share it the details with me. By the way, just visited your amazing blog, and absolutely love it.
You give the very best parties! I’m going to fly out and visit you!! Thanks so much for sharing your creative masterpiece with us at #style focus. The art of entertaining is alive and well at your gracious house!! XOXO