Do you have any traits you’ve inherited from a loved one?
Like curly hair . . .
or straight hair . . .
blue eyes
or green eyes . . .
a love for dancing . . .
or maybe its a love for sports . . .
or adventure.
Well, for me I inherited quite a few from my grandmother.
One being her love of wearing hats. Now in her day, it was common practice and almost a given for women to wear hats, especially being the Southern little lady that she was. I can still picture in my mind all her lovely hat boxes sitting on the top shelf of her closet. I can also remember on Sundays how she always wore a hat and of course for her bridge games.
Sadly, I was quite young when my grandmother passed away and deep into my crazy college years when I wouldn’t think of wearing any hat except the occasional baseball cap. My mother didn’t inherit this hat wearing trait so most of grandma’s hats are in the hands of someone else. It breaks my heart now to even think of this.
But, I do know that my grandma is smiling every time she looks down to see me donning another hat.
This one I picked up in Paris last fall, it just seemed to fit with the coat find of that day.
I’ve heard it skips a generation, so I’m sewing Molly’s name in everyone of my hats so she can be ready to carry this trait forward.
I’m so grateful for Judith and her monthly hat attack party. It’s such a wonderful way to see how others carry on this hat wearing tradtion.
Trina, I love this hat and they way it connects you to your grandmother , who you do resemble, by the way ! I also love your dot coat and yellow shoes, you are such a spire ate person, and I love to see your personality shine . Pretty like your grandma , too!
XX, Elle keep wearing hats, love!
You are always so kind Elle. My little grandma was also quite spunky, I like to think I inherited that trait as well.
Trina, this is a lovely hat on you , wonderful memory of your travels. Your dotty coat and yellow shoes are such fun. I’m sure Grandma would be pleased.
Thank you Jill, and thanks for dropping by. sure do love that jockey hat of yours.
Yes this hat suits you very well. Nice with the same colour skirt. The coat I would personnally wear with trousers as I like my coats to be as long as my skirts. (Everybody has a chip on their shoulder, This is one of mine.)
The things I inherited are the obvious things, like hair, legs, eyes. Etc. Nothing as special as a love for hats.
Greetje, that is not a chip on your shoulders at all. It’s simply your honest and true opinion and I love that. My sister inherited the wonderful curly hair, dang her. But I’ll settle for the love of hats.
That was beautiful and elegant your grandmother! The use of hats can be very elegant or ridiculous, depends on personal style dressing. Your grandmother and you, You take them with great style. The look today is wonderful, beautiful, elegant and funny. You are very brave to combine yellow with turquoise shoes. Brave but successful. The coat is cute and so is the hat. Great outfit and beautiful photo in black and white.
Ha, I actually didn’t think a second about combining the turquoise with the yellow shoes, goes to show how crazy I can be at times.
I see a beautiful facial resemblance too! What a lovely way to learn the love of hats. You look wonderful.
Thank you Patti, my cute little grandma was quite the little lady. I probably make her laugh quite often or maybe I actually make her run in terror at some of things I decide to wear.
Not only you have her traits, you have her smile too!
Mrs Jack Of All Trades
Dubai, UAE
Oh thank you because I always loved her smile.
I love this hat. It really looks sophisticated and chic. The colour is amazing.
So sad you don’t have any of her hats. We never realize these things until later in life.
Isn’t that the truth? Like all her wonderful dishes, and Queen Anne furniture.
Your Grandmother is a beauty, and obviously she passed that along to you too. I am grateful that you share her love for hats, and this lovely blue chapeau from Paris shines as a topper for your creative ensemble. I adore the polka dots and the bold touch of yellow.
Thank you for sharing with Hat Attack!
Thank you Judith. I’m still shaking my head over the boldness and the yellow shoes because I didn’t think anything about pairing them with this ensemble, it just seemed like the natural thing to do. Let’s you know how my brain works.
What a beautiful post Trina … both in visuals … and sentiment! You look so radiant tin these photos and I can see the resemblance you and your beautiful grandmother share!
I take by your saying it skips a generation … your gorgeous daughter does not share our love for hats. Neither does mine … she still has bad memories of me sending her to school in a perfect red beret in kindergarten … it spent it’s time in her desk always. I cringe a little at the thought of pushing my love of hats on her … when she was just to timid to ask me to stop :))
I love your idea of sewing Molly’s name into your hats … perfection my friend!
You are so correct, Tori does not share this love for hats. I love your story about Elle, I’m actually still laughing today about it, but what an incredibly sweat little girl she was and still is.
Imagine my surprise to open your blog today and see my Mommy. I so wished I would have not only saved her hats, but the boxes they were in would have been a treasure. However, I did save her china and it yours to have.
I’m already planning what tea party I can have to celebrate with these.
What a BEAUTIFUL outfit! So attractive and well put together and that hat is sublime!!! I don’t know where I got my love of hats from. My Mum had a few but only for shows or in the summer whereas I have hats for every occasion and I have always had them since I was small. Aged 7, I declared that I wanted a beret and duly bought myself a cornflower blue one from Laura Ashley women’s section with my saved up money! x
That is the cutest story I’ve heard in ages. Do you still have that hard earned little beret?